Applications for the RSL International Writers programme close soon, make your recommendation now!

The Royal Society of Literature (RSL) is taking recommendations for their initiative, RSL International Writers, until 12 April 2021. This initiative will recognise writers’ contribution to literature across the globe, as well as the power of literature in bringing people together across borders and cultures.

To be considered for the programme, RSL requires that these writers are not a resident in, or citizens of, the UK; and have published two works of outstanding literary merit (where at least two have been translated into English or originally written in English). Recommendations are welcome from diverse literary forms including drama, fiction, graphic fiction, non-fiction, poetry and screen plays.

IAF is happy to be involved as a supporter of RSL International Writers which recognises the power of literature around the world. We would like to encourage all our members to share and make recommendations to the programme.

You can find details on how to make nominations here:

Le domande per il programma RSL International Writers chiudono presto, fai la tua raccomandazione ora!

La Royal Society of Literature (RSL) sta accettando raccomandazioni per la sua iniziativa, RSL International Writers, fino al 12 aprile 2021. Questa iniziativa riconoscerà il contributo degli scrittori alla letteratura in tutto il mondo, così come il potere della letteratura nel riunire le persone attraverso i confini e le culture.

Per essere considerati per il programma, l’RSL richiede che questi scrittori non siano residenti o cittadini del Regno Unito e che abbiano pubblicato due opere di eccezionale valore letterario (dove almeno due sono state tradotte in inglese o scritte originariamente in inglese). Le raccomandazioni sono benvenute da diverse forme letterarie tra cui dramma, narrativa, graphic fiction, saggistica, poesia e opere teatrali.

IAF è felice di essere coinvolto come sostenitore di RSL International Writers che riconosce il potere della letteratura in tutto il mondo. Vorremmo incoraggiare tutti i nostri membri a condividere e fare raccomandazioni al programma.

Potete trovare i dettagli su come fare nomine qui:

RSL International Writers

Celebrating the power of literature to transcend borders and bring people together 

To mark its 200th birthday, the Royal Society of Literature is launching RSL International Writers. The programme – a new lifetime literary honour – will recognise the contribution of writers from across the globe to literature in English, and the power of literature to transcend borders. At a time of rising nationalism, RSL International Writers celebrates the many ways in which literature can shape a future world.

While the RSL is the UK’s charity for the advancement of literature, we recognise and seek to celebrate the power of literature to bring us together, beyond borders and across cultures.
We are inviting public recommendations of writers from you, their writer peers and readers. These will be writers not resident in, or citizens of, the UK, who have published two works of outstanding literary merit (where works are translated into English, or originally written in English). Guided by your recommendations, our panel of RSL Fellows: Your recommendations will be reviewed by our panel of RSL Fellows: Lisa Appignanesi, Syima Aslam, Bibi Bakare-Yusuf, Sophie Collins, Max Porter, Philippe Sands, Elif Shafak and Boyd Tonkin, led by panel Chair, Daniel Hahn, will make a recommendation of writers to be appointed RSL International Writers.

We are seeking recommendations of writers of diverse literary forms, including writers of drama, fiction, graphic fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and screenplays.

This programme is supported by the Authors’ Licensing and Collecting Society (ALCS) and the International Authors Forum (IAF). IAF represents authors from the text, screenwriting and visual arts sectors and their interests in copyright. Its members are over 70 organisations representing well over 700,000 authors worldwide. IAF campaigns for authors in a variety of areas including fair contracts, remuneration rights and copyright issues.

To recommend a writer, please read the full guidelines and complete the recommendation form on the link below, no later than 12 April 2021.

RSL International Writers Recommendation Form

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