Creating a Better World Post-COVID

21st September 2020
The International Authors Forum and FUIS, the Writers’ Union of Italy, are delighted to invite you to an online debate discussing the effects of the current pandemic on the livelihoods of creators and what the post-COVID world might hold for us.

The debate will be held online via Zoom on Wednesday 23 September at 14:30 BST John Degen, Chair of the International Authors Forum, and Katie Webb, Director of FUIS, will be co-hosting this event.

Timetable of events

14:30 – Introductions

14:35 – Presentation of ‘Diario in Coronavirus’ by FUIS with Katie Webb, Director of FUIS, and Ida Baucia, International Co-Director of FUIS

14:45 – In conversation with authors who contributed to the diary looking at how the COVID pandemic has affected their creativity including the following authors:

  • Maggie Gee
  • Gilgamesh Nabeel
  • Sumit Raj
  • Carlos Wynter
  • Jorge Comensal

15:05 – Discussion with authors’ organisations across the globe on the future post-COVID including the following participants:

  • Reema Selhi, Legal and Policy Manager at DACS
  • Umair Kazi, Staff Attorney at Authors Guild
  • Francis Gbormittah, President of Ghana Association of Writers
  • Anita Daher, Chair of The Writers’ Union of Canada
  • Faye Cura, Founder of Gantala Press
  • Olivia Lanchester, Chief Executive of Australian Society of Authors
  • Vera Michalski-Hoffmann, UNESCO Good Will Ambassador

15:35 – Concluding discussion about how we can support authors internationally; questions and contributions from the audience

16:00 – End

If you’re not already registered and you’re interested in attending or would like more details, please contact

A link to the Zoom meeting for this event will be provided upon request.

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